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Bill Babler

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On 11/9/2023 at 8:30 AM, tjm said:


... and it should by Charles' Law be smaller when cold.

I have proven this many times while attempting to take a leak on winter fishing trips. 


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I was at Ivie last spring and the guides that were whacking all the giants were bed fishing with the FFS in 50 feet of water or more.  That's not a typo.  They ran two units, one in Perspective Mode to show the bed and the other in forward mode to show the bait.  They would tell tell the client where to throw a shakey head and when to stop it and then just had them shake it in the bed would watch the fish eat it on the screen.  They had a ton of fish deep on beds marked.  One client I talked to had 11 fish over 8 pounds that day and their best 5 were over 50 pounds.  He was still shaking telling the story.  He said he had never caught a double digit fish and caught 4 that day.  Claimed the guide had a ton of beds that deep marked for the next several days of the clients coming in.   I simply can't imagine.  Those were untapped fish spawning that deep up until 3 years ago.   

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18 hours ago, Travis Swift said:

I was at Ivie last spring and the guides that were whacking all the giants were bed fishing with the FFS in 50 feet of water or more.  That's not a typo.  They ran two units, one in Perspective Mode to show the bed and the other in forward mode to show the bait.  They would tell tell the client where to throw a shakey head and when to stop it and then just had them shake it in the bed would watch the fish eat it on the screen.  They had a ton of fish deep on beds marked.  One client I talked to had 11 fish over 8 pounds that day and their best 5 were over 50 pounds.  He was still shaking telling the story.  He said he had never caught a double digit fish and caught 4 that day.  Claimed the guide had a ton of beds that deep marked for the next several days of the clients coming in.   I simply can't imagine.  Those were untapped fish spawning that deep up until 3 years ago.   

Travis, there are people here a lot wiser than me, but there's no way a bass can bed 50 feet deep. Bass move shallow to spawn because their eggs need sunlight penetration to hatch and that ain't gonna happen at 50 feet. 


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7 hours ago, Champ188 said:

Travis, there are people here a lot wiser than me, but there's no way a bass can bed 50 feet deep. Bass move shallow to spawn because their eggs need sunlight penetration to hatch and that ain't gonna happen at 50 feet. 

I've been there 2 years in a row and sure there are bass going to the bank to spawn but there are also giants spawning out in the middle of the darn lake.  Hard to believe, I'm not here for a debate.  I saw what they were doing with my own eyes and talked to a guy that looked like he had seen a ghost doing that technique with a guide.  That guy lives there and had no idea anything like that was possible.  Again this technology is unlocking things we never knew happened or possible.  If you don't believe me that's okay to just relaying what I saw and heard first hand at that lake two years in a row.  Below is the guy I talked to.  He was setting in his truck after the guide trip and as I was talking to him he was shaking to much to even text his buddies to tell them the story.  



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7 hours ago, Champ188 said:

Travis, there are people here a lot wiser than me, but there's no way a bass can bed 50 feet deep. Bass move shallow to spawn because their eggs need sunlight penetration to hatch and that ain't gonna happen at 50 feet. 

I've caught bass on beds (sight fishing) in 18-22'.

Theoretically if you can visably see the beds then actual light penetration is TWICE that......since light has to travel down there, then back up to your eyes.    

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What is the deepest you've ever visually seen beds?

Bass spawning at 50' is surprising, since the reading materials usually suggest ~20' as being the limit.  Light penetration in water has so many variables that it's hard to believe that it would be consistent enough or of enough duration at 50' for the spawn to be successful, but that doesn't mean the fish know that.  I also wonder if the fry would be affected by that depth.    Is there even enough plankton for them to eat at that depth?

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