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About slabseeker

  • Birthday 10/31/1963

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    Swampeast MO

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Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. I missed the first game. I tuned in last night to see the fights and a hockey game broke out....... I agree I was rooting for the US, but it was hard not to pull for Jordan Binnington. I haven't watched much hockey since the 2019 Blues-Bruins Finals, which was fun to watch.
  2. Honkerfest 2025 sounds like fun
  3. If I get to make this trip I will update with the Grennel report. Might save you a trip. They sure are fun to catch. It is kind of a desolate looking place though. My nephew is afraid we might hear banjos about half way through.
  4. Interesting. I doubt that stretch has been fished much. I'm intrigued to see what you could catch.
  5. It definitely looked like a slough before. They did remove a lot of trees. Looks like they cleared the bank back about 20 or 30 feet of trees and brush. Being a swamp paddler, I have had the idea to float that stretch in my kayak between Aquilla and the bridge at AB for some time now, but it just looked too wooly with a lot of down trees I'm sure. But now... looks much better. You can even see a little current. My idea is to get my daughter, her friends, and my nephews to organize that trip. We would call it the Aquilla Flotilla.....
  6. I go over the Castor River a lot at Aquilla on Hwy 25 going to Cape, and on Hwy. AB near Clines Island school. I have noticed they have really cleaned off the banks on both sides, and appears cleaned out the river also. I was wondering if @jdmidwest, @al agnew, or someone might have some information. How far are they doing this? You could see the machine I believe they used sitting beside 25 just north of Aquilla. Interesting looking machine almost looked like it was on pontoons.
  7. Makes me think of the Progressive Insurance "Unhidden Gems" commercial.. one of my favorites. https://youtu.be/WDcPBIC8P2o
  8. I know when this came out on SNL it was meant to be a bad thing. But if it was one of these on the White or Buffalo that might be OK.
  9. All along hoping you will die before you ever collect.
  10. Being a swamp paddler I'm not too familiar with the James so I researched (Wikipedia of course). I wasn't aware there was an Ozark Bass. [The river contains bass, catfish, crappie and bluegill.[9] Four of the five world record Ozark bass were caught on the James River. The Ozark bass (Ambloplites constellatus) is a species of freshwater fish in the sunfish family (Centrarchidae) of order Perciformes. It is native only to the White River, Sac River, James River, and Pomme de Terre River drainages of Missouri and Arkansas. The species is commonly referred to as “goggle-eye”]. Sounds like fun.
  11. Julie Brown...a true classic
  12. ......and letting her go to spawn! 👍
  13. In looking at the original Bass Tracker logo created over forty years ago, maybe JM was more of a visionary of the future than we knew. Bass Tracking with a bass in the crosshairs. Maybe the next thing.. FFS will lock onto the target fish of preset minimum size, emit a electronic pulse that will stun the target fish causing it to simply float to the surface. No casting required. Crazy right? or is it....
  14. You might be able to rent one that would be pretty cool. You would probably see several bass boats with operators staring at livescope screens that wouldn't even notice the eclipse.
  15. Thanks Phil, we plan on being there. Wish we could stay longer. Going to come by and get some jigs. I even worked it into Valentine's Day so it's a win/win.
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