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    Eureka MO

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Channel Catfish

Channel Catfish (14/89)



  1. Nimms lake 93
  2. Never owned a Legend, but have owned a skeeter for about 6 years. Nice ride and quality, also love that it doesn’t have to come with a merc. Good luck, both sound like great boats.
  3. Got the boys out this morning for a little fishing at a neighborhood pond. I might have to head back with the long rod this evening.
  4. Limit is 5 a maramec. New this year
  5. Might have a few more than normal fish above fall creek for the tournament.
  6. Tried it a few years ago practicing for one of Phil’s tournaments. Caught a few but did not give it much time. I tied some up using that shammy leather stuff as well. They hold color from a sharpe pretty well if you want to experiment with different colors.
  7. Just went in early June.
  8. I should be down there for the morning. I’ll look for you. I think I would recognize you from some of the trout tournaments. Any idea if they have any flooding? The meramec near my house in Eureka looks pretty bad.
  9. Thumbs of steel
  10. Show Me Catfishing with Capt. Ryan. It can be a little pricey but he puts on an awesome trip and will get you on some nice fish. Here is a 54 we caught on a trip with him in 2015.
  11. I got out Thursday evening for an hour and Friday/Saturday/Sunday mornings for about an hour each. I had my 3 year old son and 73 year old dad in the boat so the trips were short. Trolled between points B5 to B7. Picked up 14 crappie total (all keepers but one), 7 white bass, 9 walleye (2 keepers), a hand full of short bass, and a bluegill. The crappie and whites were out deep in the middle or mouths of covers. We would mark a lot of bait and larger fish usually below. The walleye were primarily in 15 to 20 feet, manly on the bottom. Pulled Flicker shad, Flicker minnows, shad raps, and a few other random crankbaits. Flicker shads in the size 7 with chartreuse and/or red in it produced the best. All fish released. Spoke to one guy who was doing really well dropping minnows over brush piles, but besides that everyone I spoke to was having to work hard for their fish.
  12. In the park can be a little crowded to fly fish especially on a weekend and in the mornings. The afternoon is lighter. If I were strictly fly fishing I would work the area just outside the park where the two rivers converge. The evenings there will have a little dry fly action as well. I hope you enjoy it and don't get too frustrated with all the floaters and cheese chuckers. For flies, it's a trout park so glo balls and shammy worms always seem to do okay.
  13. Yeah, that's him. Hopefully he got into a few like you did. If not, I can give him a hard time next week.
  14. Lewis, if you search through some of the Meramec threads there is a lot of good info on the lower part of the river in Fenton, Eureka, Pacific. Most creeks in the south and West part of the county lead that direction. These creeks are always changing so look at google maps, its been 20 years since I have walked them.
  15. I have a work friend down there this week. I believe he in mainly fishes the long rod. BRL is a special place, I hope they never change it.
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