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bfishn last won the day on November 9 2024

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  • Gender
  • Location
    NW AR (in a van down by the river)
  • Interests
    Walleye, cats, crappie, bream
    Science & Tech

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Bowfin (70/89)



  1. Bingo! And since gene testing wasn't invented till the '50s, and wasn't widely available (affordable) to fisheries departments until the ~'90s, we will never be able to positively identify specific 'native' strains and variants.
  2. This one's a must-have. RIP Guy. I
  3. Cool! Smokin' Joes (local BBQ) used to serve an awesome smoked spicy meatloaf . They simply ground their smoked meat trimmings and not-so-burnt ends with a few jalapenos. A couple years ago they changed the recipe though, and now it's barely edible. ☹️
  4. Back at the Trout Farm, I started with my trusty Rapalas, but the step-daughter started bringing home spent knives from the chicken plant. After they'd been sharpened beyond their standards, they were only ~5" x 1/2" blades, and they gave them to employees. They were excellent steel, and I sharpened them down to ~4" before I tossed them. They had knurled blue poly handles, but no other ID. I'd love to have a new, full-sized one.
  5. Stumbled across the song the roller rink played for "Couples Skate" the first time I skated with a girl. I
  6. I used to know a mountain gal from Mena, AR that hung her used tampoons in trees near her deer stand. She regularly brought home big bucks.
  7. No worries, you were just at the wrong cabin, 🤣
  8. Jim Owen floats were a pretty deluxe affair for the time, they loaded and hauled everything, paddled the boats, assisted the fishermen, cooked the meals, and setup and broke camp. All the client had to do was fish, eat & have fun. I'm thinking 5-600/head/day would be a bargain for that nowadays.
  9. Jim Owen himself testified in a senate hearing in 1954 on his take on Table Rock vs White River float trips. It's not at all what many would expect;
  10. Good on you Daryk. Having had to buy somebody else's junk and overhaul it to machine level was the only way I ever had a vehicle or outboard, just the way I was brought up. My life took a detour and for the last 15 years I haven't had enough spare time to change my oil. I can't really say that I miss that though... I like your pictures too. No posing, just whacha got. Get a good scald on that motor and grab a couple extra carb & FP kits and impellers while you can, and that one could outlast you,
  11. Brutha' Ray with AI colorization below. ...not that the brutha needed (or wanted) color added mind you. Cheers! I
  12. Attaboy! It's definitely that time.
  13. Congratulations Ham!
  14. Wrench has a lot more recent experience than I. Listen to him.
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