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Bigmouth Buffalo

Bigmouth Buffalo (5/89)



  1. Yes, 30-35 ft on Bull Shoals on the lower end of the lake.
  2. What Colors do you like on Bull? I have a few of those baits. Ive been trolling shad colored and fire tiger flicker shads, but should definitely give the Hot-n-Tots I have a try.
  3. What waterbody were you fishing? That's a great day anywhere.
  4. When your Credit Card expires, remember to update the license system, otherwise it won't auto renew and you might be without a license and not know it.
  5. I had the same thing happen with a flathead I caught out of Bull Shoals. It had a plastic tube bait in its stomach that had swelled to 4x its normal size. The meat and everything smelled like fuel. I tossed it.
  6. No, Arkansas Game and Fish no longer stocks trout into Bull Shoals Lake due to the costs of stocking them and the limited amount of people actually fishing for them. The last stocking of trout into Lower Bull Shoals Lake was 2014.
  7. What speed and depth were you trolling for walleyes? I've been catching a few walleye in about 33 foot of water on lower Bull Shoals with bottom bouncers. Are you just long lining those Mad Eye Divers?
  8. God is great, praying for you for a full and speedy recovery.
  9. Very good eye and awesome find for your grandson. Here's my best stone find. A partial dragonfly fossil found in Northern Arkansas.
  10. Chad Bleeker is a guide on Norfork. (Norfork Bayou Fishing). He offers electronics training and is a great guide. I know he uses Livescope too. cbleeker14@gmail.com (231) 250-7262 Here's a link to his Facebook page and fees. https://www.facebook.com/Norforkbayoufishing/?hc_ref=ARS4QnguXO4RhQPbuihuJD8yqO03kc5H-ecz4DxEMZOluN_ntEkW0YJRvJOC9c1indo&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARDceaw8ZTdNW19FL7IIf6DdOoukSFldhmUkdPrlFCjm2gT7g5mWo9_ATSYmZvhlhfa_WUjdRpHx1VX3PkZJ0CvpC5lRun8vAfa3SoZ_irUGAiHIDgK5DsQad-s8sVkGpBPZno6RnulwlVCg6sY3G2XTqi-Ek7GY_05yoc4Wlm8NLfErY0Ycf7RR6rnf9Ewjhw9AbXZvvxeEzEHGZQ-HofRe5aAVYME4X3Tspe-BwqcY5sBDpRH_02AZizo8GVejdRUvc1Vj7sntR8Us7P9_mLih3v23YyAiOmApPI9p8EMyeDw
  11. Those are awesome. I would love to see a tutorial on how you get those designs on the jigs. If its a trade secret, I understand not wanting to share.
  12. Hold at the very bottom of the rod with the spinning reel on top of the rod and crank the reel handle backwards. Is there any other way? or with it between my index and middle finger. However, I do prefer to crank with my right hand, the same as my baitcasters. I get made fun of for that.
  13. On the tags there was a phone number to call (877)425-7577 along with instructions to clip the tag off. There are tag numbers on the tag as well used for looking up the individual fish. Call the phone number to report the tags. The red tag said $100 reward on it.
  14. There are a bunch of common carp around the Rim Shoals area
  15. Saturday was a virtual blizzard of caddis, they only had 2 units running and it was only partly cloudy, so I think that made a huge difference in the hatch. Caught about 40 on dry flies fro 2-6pm. It was crazy the amount of activity out there. I think it just depends on water level, temps, and sunshine. The caddis are still going strong.
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