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Brown Bullhead

Brown Bullhead (12/89)



  1. Fished from 6:30 to noon from cape down river. Didn't go far early because of the fog. Once it lifted we found a bunch of spots hanging out on main lake swings anywhere there was shade. Nothing huge, biggest was maybe 2.5lb but they were biting until the shade was gone anywhere from dirt shallow to the shade line. All fish caught on shaky head. Boated north of 40. Fun day
  2. What part of the lake were you on? Planning to get out this weekend. If stockton has hit 50 I'll go there instead of Table Rock. Thanks
  3. That is the island/peninsula Dutch was talking about. Has a long saddle running NNW from the isand that's typically 5-10ft deep but with water this low it might only be 2-3ft. One of my favorite spots on that arm of the lake, especially at night. Picture i added is maze.
  4. Fished 530-10pm last night out of cedar ridge. Couple dinks off the bridge south of the ramp and picked up one on that channel swing, but really only found them grouped up in one spot off the island and saddle by the north cedar ridge ramp. They hit a spook and and popr around dusk for maybe 20 minutes on the channel side, then moved up onto that saddle after the sun was down but that, too, was short lived. Boated maybe 15 and lost a few at the boat. Topwater and shaky head did all the catching.
  5. Thanks for the reply, Dutch. Good luck out there today and keep us posted on what you find!
  6. Haven't been on Stockton since mid July but planning to fish Friday night. Probably launch out of cedar ridge. Anyone have any info on what the bass are doing? Thanks!
  7. FYI as of 7/23 if you plan to float this section there's a freshly fallen tree just above the crighton access that is blocking the entire river. Be safe. NH
  8. Thanks for the reply, Bill So the 'long gravel run outs' you're referencing are like a 'do nothing' gravel bank with a very gradual slope that lead into a pocket? Still confused I guess (go figure) Thanks in advance for your knowledge, appreciate all the detailed posts you give to help guys like me
  9. Bill, Is this the look of the structure you're referring to when you say, "long gravel run outs"? Just a clueless fisherman trying to better understand the lingo you guys all reference. Thanks! NH
  10. Anyone else fish this area yesterday? And if so, did you do any better than us? Scheduled myself off work for the afternoon and hit the water about noon. Off water by 5. Fished piney and Wooley and points in between and just couldn't figure anything out. Found bucks in the north pockets of piney but couldn't buy a keeper bite. Couldn't get them to sniff a search bait and I struggle using dragging baits any deeper than 20 ft in the wind. Just wondering if anyone had success, because we sure didn't 🤔
  11. Not much to report. Fished state park to the dam. Water temp 44 and clarity is fine up there. Tough fishing though
  12. Thanks guys. Going up Sunday to try my luck I'll report my findings
  13. Anyone know the current water temp and clarity? Thanks! NH
  14. If the James above Springfield dam is any indication then it'll be a few days. Still muddy and rolling at flood stage as I drove over it today
  15. Thank you, Dutch, hadn't thought about golf gloves. Great idea for not losing grip or feel! NH
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