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Old dog 417

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About Old dog 417

  • Birthday February 27

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  • Location
    Springfield, Mo
  • Interests
    Fishing, hunting, and enjoying retirement.

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Brook Silverside

Brook Silverside (11/89)



  1. X2.....What he said!!! Don't leave home without it. OD
  2. Just checked Lakes online and noticed Stockton has risen 3'+ today. That's a lot of water in a hurry! Current level is approximately 874.4 or 7' above normal pool. Could be an onslaught of trash and floaters out there. Let's be careful and keep a sharp eye! olddog
  3. I've had good luck recently (week-10 days) long lining cranks for crappie on the Big Sac side. Trolling creek channels or just off those channels concentrating on depths of 24'-32'. Typically run 4-5 rods at 1.2-1.5 mph starting out with a mix of Flicker-shad #7's and Bandit 300's. The most active fish were at 12'-16' and seemed to prefer the Bandits a little more. Brighter days a Fire-tiger color, cloudy days the purples were best. Ran the Flickers @ 105' back, Bandits @ 60' back with 14# Power Pro braid and according to the Precision Trolling app that should put the baits in that 12'-14' depth. Water temps have been in the 60-63 degree range with a clarity of 3-4'. I haven't tried cranks for walleye yet but would fish during low light conditions pulling #5 Flickers or #200 Bandits in 6'-12' along shorelines Try starting at the main lake point and work back into the creeks 1-1.3 mph. If you run across a point created by 2 feeder creeks converging I'd work that area a little extra. Just my thoughts... Good luck, olddog
  4. Fantastic! Well done. OD
  5. Quality Mark Bow Step may be worth considering. Available to order through Bass Pro Shops (don't think it's an in-stock item) and it's also available on Amazon. 4 models, $299 - $349 od
  6. I'd recommend Walleye Central Classifieds for what you are looking for. I've had good success there but you may need to travel a few hours to adjoining states. Most will send you additional pics that aren't posted to help with your decision. Good luck! od
  7. Yeah...what they said, for sure! od
  8. Saturday, three of us hunted a farm pond about 8 miles East of Stockton Lake. Had a 15 mph WNW wind blowing that made it seem a lot colder than the 36 degrees on the thermometer. This was my first outing this year and the second for my two co-hunters. We managed to harvest 11. A mixed bag consisting of 4 mallards with the rest being gaddies and spooners. All arrived in groups of 2-4 and no high flying flocks were seen so these most likely were local ducks. The first 35 minutes provided the action as we took 8 and then spent 2 more hours to acquire the last 3. We decided to return on Sunday and it was a different story meaning no wind...not even a breeze. Saw only 6 ducks in 2 hours and they snubbed our set landing near the dam out of range. At 9 AM we decided to call it a wrap and as we were picking up our stuff a single gadwall flew in on top of us and became the only bird taken for the day. I have hunted Stockton a few times with my boat and haven't had any luck. It makes sense that it is holding ducks but I've just not been able to find them. This year we participated for the first time in the blind drawing at Truman Lake and will be hunting there in the near future. We've heard some good reports about Truman over the years and thought utilizing the drawing would be a good way to start out and learn about it first hand. Some are reporting the ducks have become nocturnal and some say they are still holding in Northern Missouri due to moderate temps. Hopefully this recent cold snap and predicted fronts will change their habits and move them towards South Missouri. All I got...Good luck and safe hunting to all, od
  9. Well done! od
  10. Well done! od
  11. Good story Wrench. LMAO! Anyone have an update as to 4 Rivers having water yet? od
  12. Thanks for the report. od
  13. My experience has been much like Oberst......except for the crawler mess! I've been long-lining 3 rods working both points and flats. Whites, 12"-13" walleyes, with an occasional cat thrown in to slime up the carpet. Crappie have been few. Flicker shad and Flicker minnows are both producing about equally. The Firetiger color may be in the lead for bites. Been concentrating on 16'- 23' of water.... Marking fish but evidently my presentation is wrong. Spinners and slow death rigs have produced nearly the same with some bluegills mixed in. Fishing mornings, sunrise to noonish...Big Sac arm. I'm taking a break this week and getting the duck boat and gear ready for upcoming season while hoping the effects of those distant hurricanes will improve our fishing! 🙄 All I got, OD
  14. Good job! Thanks for the report. od
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