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  On 3/13/2016 at 2:40 PM, Quillback said:

Everybody else (except for the boat in the distant background) makes tracks for distant parts, but the crafty guide starts 200 yards from the launch.




We were in the long, straight cut right behind the distant boat ... or we may BE the distant boat. :)




Just a huge shout out to Quill, Muddy, and his wife Little Muddy.  This is two years in a row that Muddy has went far and beyond and it is not only great to see him but really appreciate all he does to make this event the success it has been the last couple of years.

I really like the format of launching where ever you wish and then just coming to the weigh in.  It allows folks to fish home waters and also I believe it helped with our big fish.  The Kings has been for the last month probably the hottest area on the lake.  You can get there from Eagle Rock, but it is a pretty big boat ride up and back to the middle or upper Kings.

Big fish was caught on one of Bo's jig's so we kept it in the family.

Also a huge shout out to Dave Reeves for the gift certificates for Ned Heads.  Thanks Dave

We had fish caught with just about everything from a float-n-fly to a jig to a blade to a sticker to a cranker, and probably something else  It was fun to hear how the participants caught them.

Food was just off the chart, thanks so much for all that contributed.  Again, another great derby in the books. On another note,  I am looking for a new partner, after all the disparaging remarks from my current non-boater so anyone that would wish to apply, please send a resume.

Good Luck All


Thank you to everyone that help put on the event.  it is so much fun to put names to faces, and have some great fellowship.  All the best this year, and see you all soon.


  On 3/14/2016 at 11:22 AM, Bill Babler said:

Just a huge shout out to Quill, Muddy, and his wife Little Muddy.  This is two years in a row that Muddy has went far and beyond and it is not only great to see him but really appreciate all he does to make this event the success it has been the last couple of years.

I really like the format of launching where ever you wish and then just coming to the weigh in.  It allows folks to fish home waters and also I believe it helped with our big fish.  The Kings has been for the last month probably the hottest area on the lake.  You can get there from Eagle Rock, but it is a pretty big boat ride up and back to the middle or upper Kings.

Big fish was caught on one of Bo's jig's so we kept it in the family.

Also a huge shout out to Dave Reeves for the gift certificates for Ned Heads.  Thanks Dave

We had fish caught with just about everything from a float-n-fly to a jig to a blade to a sticker to a cranker, and probably something else  It was fun to hear how the participants caught them.

Food was just off the chart, thanks so much for all that contributed.  Again, another great derby in the books. On another note,  I am looking for a new partner, after all the disparaging remarks from my current non-boater so anyone that would wish to apply, please send a resume.

Good Luck All


great gift from dave!  hopefully, i can make it up next year.  we are just going through one of those growing pains, where our growth has outgrown our forecasting, and we are having a real time getting enough hooks and skirts in to keep up with making enough production to fill orders.  al at pig sticker is also doing part of our production now.  hopefully, we will eventually get all of our pouring and painting moved to him, and that will make all production done here locally.  other than a bit or drizzle, it was a great day for fishing whether the catching seemed up to par or not. everyone get out there and get to practicing for next year.



I guess I'm used to seeing  "pounds" out to hundreths. ie 4.35 lbs. adding in ounces threw me.

I guess I was also confused by a lack of 1) this weight 2) this weight 3) that weight.

Seems like a good time was had by all even if the fish weren't just jumping in the boat. I worked. Y'all had it better than I did.


Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


I too really enjoyed my first OAF tournament. It was really nice to get to put some faces to some names. Enjoyed talking to Mr Babler and Quillback. Thanks to all who did a magnificent job with the food and the organizing. Congrats to Joe Lane for winning this year. I really thought it would take a 6 or 7 lb to win with the coniditions we had. Moon phase, clouds, 50 degree water temps, light winds and steady air temps. Great pics. I wish i could have personnally met M&M, Ketchup and a few of you other regulars here on the website. I just wanted to say "thanks" for all the valuable info you guys put out there for us that only get to fish TR on a limited basis. Oh, i did get to talk to RPS and he gave us some valuable walleye information. He is a good guy!! A great time spent with good people!!


Last year I caught several solid keepers on a wart at the end of the day when they finally moved up in that dirty incoming water. Me thinking like several others that it would take a 4+ to do any good I threw them back lol. You gave the boys some baits that were donated so that more than made up for my ignorance :D. I'm hoping to be down there soon. The family needs a good lake trip weekend. 

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