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I'm not turning in my man card yet. Fished for five and a half hours yesterday. Temps between 18 and 25 deg.


I have almost 2500 miles on my bike the past year only missed 3 days due to ice on roads. I’ll get my ride in today. 5 degrees feels 8 below.  Ride the brakes down hill or the wind chill will get ya!

we went to meramec December 23rd and it was 26 when we started and still had frozen guides at 11am. 


To all the real men..be careful out there I will set this one out.



Snagged pick me up a tube while you are there please.  A few years and a disease ago I didn't care about weather, feeding cattle, clearing fence rows, plowing snow, weather made no difference.  Now I just don't take cold well, I sweat too easily so I can't wear many layers, thus once I stop moving it's OVER.


When I was a Watch Commander in law enforcement it was -64 wind chill one night on midnights. Naturally there was an auto accident and my whole squad about froze directing traffic. I told myself then that if I ever had a choice of being out in the cold or sitting inside and looking out the window I would choose the latter. As one of the philosophers on here said one time, “I’m just not that mad at them!”  I don’t begrudge anyone who likes it outdoors in the cold but I’d ask you to take a buddy with you for safety. 



I sold pipe piling for the I 85 bridge over the Missouri River in Williston ND a couple years ago. They drove over 100 piles during the winter. 

I asked the project manager if they ever took off due to weather.   He said they only stopped for white outs.  He said if they couldn’t see the top of the crane they quit. 


A doctor explained exactly what the problem is in the cold for old people. Your skin is thinner and your not getting the blood is not getting thru as well as it was when you were young. Some think you can have heart By Passes and it restores your blood citculation. That is true it does as for as major organs.  It does not help much with the little tiny veins that feed stuff like nerves. Best way to preserve your old age cold protection is maintain a low colesteral diet.evan thst is not going to goon for eve

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