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aarchdale@coresleep.com last won the day on December 29 2024

aarchdale@coresleep.com had the most liked content!


About aarchdale@coresleep.com

  • Birthday 09/13/1983

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    Ozark, MO

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Golden Redhorse

Golden Redhorse (85/89)



  1. I had to replace my axle a couple months ago and did away with my surge brakes. They were nice when I towed with my little 2 door Jeep but my 3/4 ton doesn't really care if there is a 19 ft boat back there. Also a lot easier to change a hub on the side of the road now if need be. I would be more worried about getting my bearing freshened up if its been a while if your going on a long trip. That being said I have some extra calipers that were pretty new if anyone wants them. I had them replaced and then a brake line broke and I never bothered fixing it. from a 2004 tracker marine trailer https://trailerparts.com/products/brakes/disc-brake-parts/calipers/tiedown-caliper-46304-fits-3500-lb-6000-lb-axles-painted-black.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA19e8BhCVARIsALpFMgFk6C9N4DURpNclFUDcxf7ENwcvBBXNuKYPffF9yZQfkowqOFIVAUUaAso1EALw_wcB
  2. Polar Bear Tournament I think it said 41 Teams. 20.07 lbs to win
  3. One morning I went for a ride with a friend that has a 36 FT Catamaran at Big M. He took me back to where I was parked at Shell Knob, we hit 108 and it felt like nothing in a boat like that. It all about the boat your in. 60 in a bass boat feels way faster
  4. Fin an Feather usually has them. I make my own with a lighter hook. They way i see it is Im on 6lb line with a spinning real with good drag, Im not going to bend them out unless i just horse them in. I think Dutch makes some that are a little more unique than the typical ned head. He seems to catch a lot on the ned
  5. Last call before i put this on Facebook and have to deal with all that comes with it...Make me an offer!!!!!
  6. KDOT app i just downloaded says I-70 is closed still. Guess ill have another day off. Sleep studies can wait
  7. That sucks, doesnt sound like a very fun 300 mile trip
  8. Are they getting the roads cleaned up in KC? Im suppose to head up through there and out to Kansas tomorrow from Springfield. I was suppose to leave today but I didnt want to drive that far in this crap
  9. Nice, you are on them!!!! Love seeing reports. This site has gotten a little light on fishing talk and reports. Dutch and Quilback are the main guys as far as the big lakes.
  10. I've fished upper Bull so much and I would see Buster out on guide trips and ill be honest I watched him and tried doing what he did. Never worked for me, That guy was a master at his craft. Not sure if the guy is on this site but I always see post of "Reds Guide Service" on facebook and he is flat smashing the walleye on Table Rock.
  11. Brand new taken out of the dash of a boat, never used. No mount, I did find an old power cable that i can let go with it, it works fine and powers it up, its just not the brand new one. Russel Marine is out of stock but they sale used ones for $550. I was gonna start at $400. The Gimbal brackets are $40-$50. Located in Ozark but I could ship if needed
  12. Yeah, if I had a day like you did I would be going back too. Those were some good looking crappie. Those crappie in Flat Creek and the Bridgeport area just get so much pressure constantly. I know in the last couple years I catch about 10 shorts to 1 keeper. Used to I could go there and get a limit no problem
  13. Tons of guys out in the creek channels in 16-30 ft crappie fishing. I only saw one guy catch one. I tried for a little bit but those little smallmouth had me going right back to the bank hoping for a bigger one. I graphed a lot of them out in the open water. I just didnt have the right stuff with me to even try.
  14. I remember Babler had a big write up on the Float-N-Fly and i made a big box with all the stuff years ago, I kinda use it for crappie too but man the bass eat it up. Is it just a long lost technique these day?
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