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roy_eros last won the day on April 1 2020

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About roy_eros

  • Birthday 04/21/1989

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    Gone Fishing

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Checkered Madtom

Checkered Madtom (15/89)



  1. Was in that area Saturday. Very trashy around Big M. Water color not horrible but stained and lots of debris everywhere. Starting to clear a little the closer to Eagle rock you get.
  2. Bobby have you been up towards big M or eagle rock any? Wondering if the water is still stained or starting to clear up that way?
  3. Yes it is! Nothing like raising a little money for charity to bring out the best sportsmanship in everyone!
  4. Excellent report Bill! Thanks for the info. I haven’t thrown the +1 much with any success. Can’t get the feel of it. I think I am “over working” it. Are you pausing it a lot right now or steady cadence? I have confidence in the regular megabass and mcstick but I need to learn the +1.
  5. This is where that model came from. Again this far out probably not reliable. Worth keeping an eye on though. https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=gfs&region=us&pkg=apcpn&runtime=2020052718&fh=6
  6. Some models, while far out and not super accurate are suggesting a tropical storm in the Gulf the first half of June.
  7. Thanks for the report! I caught this meanmouth in the same area yesterday. Got on 3 flurries of fish and other than that pretty slow in between. I also saw a few abandoned what appeared to be bass beds. Usually don’t see them this early down there.
  8. Just wanted to share the story, no doubt hard to judge any fish from a photo!
  9. Snagged, this particular event was set up as a road runner, so yes! Anglers were given a 60 mile radius from the host site. Other events are maybe limited to one lake or even one launch site. You must launch from a public launch and photos are submitted with a time stamp and GPS data.
  10. Check out this blog post about a recent Kayak Tournament held by a NWA club. Participants were allowed to fish parts of TR and the big bass was caught from near Holiday Island according to reports. http://www.kayakfishingfocus.com/nska-nwa-roadrunner-recap/
  11. What kind of water temps were you seeing today? Wonder if this cold tonight will knock them back out a little.
  12. Interested, will you PM me your phone number?
  13. Lake is still rising several inches an hour. Beaver has crested so hopefully they will be able to reduce outflow from it sometime tomorrow.
  14. Hoping for the best for everyone downstream, situation is looking pretty serious with the James River still rising, Kings River and Long Creek still rising, and Beaver Lake now at capacity with rain still falling. Going to make a run at the record elevations it appears.
  15. Looking at the gauges from most of the tributaries they have not slowed or crested. Lots of water still heading towards the lakes.
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