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Ranger Z22

Fishing Buddy
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About Ranger Z22

  • Birthday 08/09/1950

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    Reeds Spring

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Black Crappie

Black Crappie (8/89)



  1. close to a spring craw z22
  2. also on Bill's recommendation, all (4) 31 series AGM Pro Guide. I was a bit concerned have not had best of luck with Pro Guide, but no trouble!
  3. just went to Aunts Creek, North Ramp water is all the way up on the ramp, not in the lot yet. courtesy ramp can be used, but not much longer z22
  4. The robins are thick up here in Aunts Creek We see them every year seems a little early, but if that is a sign of early spring, all the better. z22
  5. I have an Ultrex, which I have had for 2 seasons. I just think it is great. Spot lock is great, catch one, hit spot lock you stay put, or if you need to retie, you don't find yourself on the other side of the lake when you are done. Happy New Year Z22
  6. If you give them a call at Sportsmen Factory Outlet they will send you what you order. I have been told that several times. z22
  7. You cannot beat the work Tim does, you get a quality workmanship, along with a price I think is very much in line.
  8. I put an ultrex on my boat the beginning of the year, for my use it has been great. Holds the spot, can change or retie without going over the fish. This motor has me really spoiled.
  9. Don't forget our own Champ 188....James Gilzow.
  10. Sounds like a good weekend to do some work around the house. Was out a couple of Saturdays ago, thought I needed a checker flag for the boys running up the lake, the guy I was with wanted to know if was always this busy on a Saturday Z22
  11. Aunts creek view. Really good view in winter, but a view is a view. Sorry no pics. z22
  12. Our prayers are with the Beck family. I have never met him, to show you what kind of a person he was, I was scheduled to fish with Mr. Babler, his boat broke down, of course Bill Beck gave him his boat to use. Not a finer person in my eyes. z22
  13. Ozark Thunder Marine Bait Shop across the street from Ma's carries them. small shop crickets sound like a chain saw running. z22
  14. Enjoy each and every day with that expert fisherman. You will always remember those great times you had together. Getting ready to take my daughter in law out this morning, hope we can snag a few. z22
  15. upper or North End open. Parking is close and limited, but you can launch. z22
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