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Gavin last won the day on August 17 2024

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  1. That's a long slow float. Glad you had fun and thanks for the report!
  2. Gavin

    What's Cooking?

    Tonight is gonna be Offal. Linguini with shrooms in a cream sauce with fried duck & goose livers and gizzards.
  3. That kinda reminds me of my old spawn sack fly pattern. I tied 8-10 peach glowballs on short individual monofilament strands and lashed all the strands to a single wooly bugger hook wrapped with ice sparkle chenille. I was a novelty, but it did catch some stocked trout in muddy county park lakes. The could SEE if for sure.
  4. OnX hunt is allot more useful than 200 Missouri Smallmouth Adventures. You can do plenty of wading on the Niangua, just hit the road crossings upstream from Bennett. Other places, you will have to look. Moon Valley to Bennet isn't a bad weekday float and you can wade in front of Riverfront or HVO if you are staying there.
  5. March & Early April are usuallly slow, and high water is probable. May & June are usually ideal. Check out canoemisouri.org for canoe rentals and campgrounds. Have fun!
  6. Well Al, put some skin in the game and push your river tourney friends to go to catch, photo, release. You know them all. You fish with them.
  7. I’m done. Boys in AR & LA may get some late ducks. I really could not care less about field hunting for Canada geese or snows.
  8. Nope, I don’t know that guy but I can tell you where he is standing. He’s about 75 yards from an access.
  9. My friends have been down camping and sore lipping those fish for two days now. Gonna join them in the AM. I’m not bringing my light gear. Thinking a medium spin rod, and a 6wt. Extra reel for each. It sucks when your reel freezes solid.
  10. I’ve got a basement full of short fly rods 8’ 5wt & under. Everything I usually fish with is 9’ 5wt and up. I do like to dink around with a short wimpy rod and a dry fly when that opportunity exists, but not so much on the Current R. The place is a mess right now. Sand & sweepers everywhere. 3x minimum to keep them out of all the snags.
  11. Good for you Marty! We wrapped the North Zone season with 4 this morning. Then we pulled decoys and cleaned out the blind. Best season in a couple years! Now, it's time to trout fish!
  12. Call up T Hargrove Fly Fishing in St. Louis and ask Tom or Chris about repairs and a possible replacements. Then go to St. Louis and cast them. You wont know if you like the rod until you put a line on it.
  13. That old Lambeth Bridge was a scary one to drive over. I wonder if it is still standing? We had Paul Dallas meet us mid float on that one and lower his canoe off the bridge with a rope to avoid the forest of poison ivy under the bridge. Then he walked down a couple hundred yards to hop a farmers gate. H and J were kinda pokie at the takeout, so me, Coldwater, and Paul Dallas drank a good bit of scotch over the course of 2 hours before we decided to borrow H's Hoopty arse truck to get the heck out of there. Shuttled J's down and told H & J were to find H's.. Dallas split, and me and Coldwater went back over to Gasconade Hills where our tents were set up.. It was an MSA shindig at G Hills, and the the first time we both met you Al Agnew, We leaned about twin spins, midge oreno's, and how to pick a good buzz bait. 20+ years ago
  14. Cold water and me did B bridge down to Davis 20+ years ago. We were so impressed that we never went back.
  15. The recipe I use is the stewed hen recipe from the Commander's Palace in NOLA...If you have the Commander's Palace Cook book, look it up. Liver Dumplings are pretty good. We usually order some at the Anvil in St. Gen when we go to Hawn State Park but we have not been there in along time.
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