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JestersHK last won the day on January 19 2023

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About JestersHK

  • Birthday 05/12/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    St. Paul, MO
  • Interests
    Night fishing for sea monsters!

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Golden Redhorse

Golden Redhorse (85/89)



  1. RIP and thoughts and prayers to his family
  2. Brett caught this one last jig fest. I don't remember if we measured it or not, but I was super jelly.
  3. By my count Liv beat ya again lol you go girl! Glad you two found some more and a good dose of night fishing too!
  4. Glad you finally got the net there... 😄 cool catch for sure.
  5. Nice job buddy, hope you and Dave score a bunch on the list.
  6. Nice catching there you guys. Some big shad there for sure.
  7. Glad to see you getting out there buddy. I'm sure somebody will be asking to ID the bait lol
  8. I'm in for an entry Seth of you have tickets left. I'll have wife message ya on Facebook for payment info.
  9. Those hard heads will give you a nasty poke. I had one get the meat of my palm and it was sore for a good week or so. Watch for other signs of infection. They are nasty fish. Sail fins as net boy pointed out are the ones you want to eat.
  10. Good save team. I wonder if they were experienced yakkers or not... could of been bad had you guys not been there to help. Not sure I'd kayak in that flow, but I'm a big sissy unless I'm standing on the bottom lol.
  11. Between the scuds and shad there's gonna be some sea monsters growing for sure!
  12. I got some play by play of this day, but glad you shared with the rest of the group. I try to learn something everytime I go out with others... Now remembering all those different techniques is where my brain hurts 😆 Hopefully we can finally get that group trip going and make it a reality.
  13. Wife and Kierstin will be there as well @Seth A family friend of ours is working his way through Astros Triple A. He's going to get the call soon we hope that he makes the 40 man roster... He's a great guy and is a heck of a ball player. His draft year shot got pretty messed up due to the covid season, but he's worked his tail off and is really close to crossing that last line into the MLB. Took the girls out after they went to the Astros game that evening. Dang buddy, I'll have to check that out next year... We are back home already.
  14. I threw a white jig for over an hour last night 😀 the surf is really rough and the smaller bait fish have been scarce. I'm headed to the Jupiter inlet today so I will def try there.
  15. Got an Atlantic sharp nose tonight off a blue that I hooked deep which got designated for bait duty... Jeff you should def go off you get the chance
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