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Ham last won the day on January 12

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About Ham

  • Birthday 05/30/1962

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    Flippin, Arkansas
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  1. Is there any talk about more egg boxes of browns or Bonnevillie Cutts?
  2. I would go to 10 K instead of Beaver. 100%
  3. Last I heard which was a while ago, Dave was making them in bulk and selling to a vendor, but did not want to sell to individuals any longer.
  4. I’d need more than a shovel for the driveway. What I needed was a more off-road tread and more tread in general. I’ll replace the tires the truck has on it soon and get a more off road capable tread. I shoveled some areas and that’s no big deal. I’m not shoveling a long driveway.
  5. There were a few boats, but a very few. I would bet less that 20 boat between Gaston’s and White Buffalo
  6. I fished Friday. Great to be out. Fishing was ok. I had issues getting the boat up the hill and tucked away, but it all worked out.
  7. Invasive vs Introduced. If Fish and Game Managers from days gone by made Bad choices and dumped Trout into waters that had native trout, it may be real tough to fix that. I sincerely doubt ppl are going to shoot expensive fishing arrows into rocky bottoms in the hope of killing a few rainbows and browns. I am not unaware of Eastern gamefish foolishly introduced into Western waters. I know they are trying to reduce populations of Smallmouth Bass and Walleye. “Bowfishing” isn’t going to fix that either. you’re conflating / expanding the argument about bowfishing. The wanton waste of guys with bows killing fish just for the thrill of killing them is not sustainable. They are robbing other people of opportunities to fish with a hook and line for many species and the fish don’t get to fulfill their role in the environment. Why do they get to damage populations of slow growing / slow maturing fish for their entertainment? Hopefully, other states will follow Minnesota’s example and protect native fish better. We have to change the mindset of game fish vs rough fish (many would say trash fish). I value suckers and Buffalo as much or more than introduced trout.
  8. It’s idiotic that Bowfishing is allowed for any non invasive fish.
  9. I mean, It’s just what I need, another fishing spot 3 1/2 hours away.
  10. Did somebody say Bowfin?
  11. I’m still mad at em
  12. Oooh, I love Thunder Snow
  13. Good deal! I would agree White Crappie. I still haven’t gotten a White Crappie on fly this year.
  14. 1) Catch Fish! Lots and Lots of fish on all forms of hook and line fishing. 2) Fish more with friends and family. That’s it. I’ll keep up with numbers and species and stuff for sure. I’ll make trips hoping for this or that. I’ll still want “Benjamins” and “50 Burgers”, but I’m not going to get consumed by any one quest or goal.
  15. 2024 is behind us. Here’s how I did on my Goals. 1) Dave and I got Alligator Gar on Fly! Super excited to have gotten some. I want more and bigger. I want a 4 footer at a minimum. 2) Dave and I got Musky on fly! That trip was a blast. The only negative is I was sick and fishing at like 80% 3) I got my Lifelist to over 250. I got a little derailed by the flyrod thing. 4) I didn’t get anywhere close to 50 Bowfin on fly. I fell down the 100 Fish Species on Fly Rabbit Hole. 5) 😳 ehhh Nope 6) after I started chasing everything that swims with a flyrod, I knew the numbers weren’t gonna be there for 3K. I amended my goal to 2000 fish, but handcuffed as I was by intrusive thoughts, I was hard pressed to get to 2K. I got there, but it required me catching almost 800 fish the last quarter. 7) I had a BIG Time with the Fly Rod. The Lifetime Freshwater on fly is well beyond the 100 mark. Dave and I added a few salty fish on fly as well. I am proud that I got to 100 Species on fly again. It is far from easy, but it’s rewarding and “Fun”. Scouts Honor, I will not do this in 2025. I appreciate all the Help and Support I got from friends. It made a critical different on my chances for success. Thank You!
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