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vernon last won the day on September 21 2023

vernon had the most liked content!


About vernon

  • Birthday 03/31/1953

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  • Gender
  • Location
    NE Kansas
  • Interests
    Fishin', golf, KU basketball, Royals baseball and da Chiefs

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Bluntnose Minnow

Bluntnose Minnow (71/89)



  1. Oh yeah - that's at the very top of my list of priorities. Not.
  2. Since end of season is fast approaching, what do you recommend regarding gas that is left in the tank? I've never been able to figure out how to siphon gas out of a newer model Ranger boat and inevitably there's always gonna be some left to sit throughout the winter months. I've always added Sta-Bil but after reading your "no additives ever" comment that apparently isn't the answer either. Thanks.
  3. The Fire Department posted some drone footage and it looks pretty bad. Gonna take some time to get that mess cleaned up and docks repaired.
  4. Pickleball is the final stage of the total and complete communist domination and takeover of America. Soccer having obviously been the first.......🤦‍♂️
  5. Thanks and me too!
  6. Nope we got pretty lucky - all the bad stuff went north or south of us. Many, many years ago an old time weatherman on channel 4 in Kansas City named Dan Henry named this oft occurring phenomenon "The Tonganoxie Split" and it's saved us a bunch of times! We did pickup 1.82 inches of rain last night and this morning along with some pretty incredible lightning. Another two inches is in the forecast for mid week and I sure hope it "splits". We've had more than enough for a little while. Two more inches and we might not even need the truck to pull the boat down to see you guys - just back it off the trailer and point it south! My ability to turn air into water is a little scary sometimes.
  7. Will be there two weeks from yesterday but gettin' a little pre-trip practice in! Probably gonna dump over three inches on my own head here at home before we even get down there. Should be a hoot!
  8. Same here. Most impressed with the bait quality, service and speed of shipping! I'll be back!
  9. Order placed! Cool looking color.
  10. Well I've never been a big fan of this "working from home" deal but I'll see what I can do.......🤷‍♂️
  11. Not until 10 May - been kinda busy keeping it moist around here the last few months but don't worry! I won't let you down!
  12. Woke up to 14 in Basehor.
  13. Unless you've got really tiny feet that's a heck of a crappie!
  14. No. Thank. You.🥶
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