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About GNSfishing

  • Birthday 07/15/1943

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    Cape Fair, MO

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Grass Pickerel

Grass Pickerel (23/89)



  1. I agree with you 100%.
  2. I use white Nanofill 10# with a 6 or 8# fluorocarbon leader tied with the Alberto knot. I am a line watcher, so the white gives the visibility to detect a slight movement in the line and the Nanofill gives me great feel of the lure.
  3. Here is a link to Clear Cast depth finder repair service. They are located in Springfield, MO. www.clearcastmarine.com
  4. Right at 5" plus on the porch railing but it is not going to last long...
  5. Bill What is the model number of that charger?? I tried to read it off of the post but just can't make it out. I want to try your cycling of my batteries to see if I get better results from my batteries... I have had battery problems in the past with capacity problems. I've got a 2019 Bass Cat Eyra that came with a 1150 Pro Guide AGM engine battery, it was replaced about a year ago under warranty because of low capacity. I have since bought a X2 battery in place of the Pro Guide and still have about the same fishing time. I am running 2 Garmin 126 with live scope and a HDS12 carbon and I can fish around 3 to 4 hours and my voltage drops into the mid 11 volt reading of the graphs and have problems cranking the big motor. I've checked the voltage level of my batteries before leaving 5the house and all batteries check at 12.8+ so they are full charged starting out. The trolling motor AGM batteries are working great, and they came with the boat also. So, I am going to put all electronics on a 100 AH Lithium battery plus changing the 10-gauge wiring to #6 gauge to combat the voltage drop. My on-board charger seems to be working fine so thinking that your charging procedure may help so willing to try it, but I need to obtain charger. Sorry for the long-winded reason for asking for the model number of your charger. LOL
  6. I agree with you 110%.....
  7. You might give Ulrich Marine a call at (417)272-1841 or Branson West Marine a call at (417)272-1000. Either one of these dealers maybe able to install a steering cable on your Ultrex for you... Both of these are in Branson West....
  8. Those can cause you to hurt yourself.... It's a snake and they don't get along with me at all......no matter what kind it is...IT'S A SNAKE... Lol
  9. I'll agree with Bo on the MotorGuide Tour Pro. I tried the ghost and the anchor mode just did not compare to the MotorGuide. The direct cable control steering is the feature that brought me back to the MotorGuide and of course I have used a MotorGuide trolling motor for years with no real problems other than normal maintenance items. They were just late in getting it on the market with the anchor mode. The Xi5 was a good motor but the bracket and the foot pedal steering control did suck.....
  10. You might give Boat WrX a call they are the newest dealer in town. Location: 350 S Ingram Mill Rd, Springfield, MO Phone: (417) 708-2200
  11. My son and I also found that pattern working on Thursday of this week. The only thing was I caught the larger brownies'(3-1/2 to 4-1/2 lbs.) on the ned scrubbing the bottom. My son was using a small swim bait and caught a real heavy keeper Kentucky. We did boat several short brown fish our 5 best would of been around 17 plus. The fish were in the 12 to 15 Ft. with the boat set in 20 to 23 Ft. of water. Used the anchor mode on the MotorGuide Tour Pro to hold us on the the spots in the wind..
  12. When we pulled into Cape Fair on Monday I made a remark of Don't people work on Mondays anymore??? Before I retired in 2007 I had to work on Mondays along with the other 4 or 5 days and some 7 day weeks working.... How the times have changed....
  13. Those buoy's are marking the Piney Wilderness area. No motor boats allowed so if you are going to fish that area bring your kayak and fish that area. Not even a trolling motor to be used in that area. I heard a few years ago that a person was fishing in that area and was disqualified from a tournament for fishing that area. I suppose if the right enforce officer could write you a ticket for using a motor powered boat in that area. That area is also restricted for no ATV's in that area. Those buoys used to be farther back but was moved a couple three years ago to their present location...
  14. Thanks Bill will check them out...
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