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LD Fisher

Fishing Buddy
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LD Fisher last won the day on July 25 2016

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About LD Fisher

  • Birthday 08/03/1949

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Derby, ks - Shell Knob mo
  • Interests
    Golf, fishing, hunting, spending time in and on the water with friends and family

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LD Fisher's Achievements

Flathead Catfish

Flathead Catfish (16/89)



  1. Shouldn't tell this on myself, but. A couple of years ago a friend stopped by the house an asked if I could help him because he couldn't get his outboard started, said he already put a new battery in it but it would just crank and not start. I tried it, pulled the shroud to see if mud dobbers had blocked his intake, but it was clear. I was about ready to go back to the house for some tools when I looked down and saw the kill switch and lanyard laying on the floor! I said shoot, could it be? Sure enough when I plugged it in, it started!! Live and learn! LOL His kids had been playing around in the boat and probably pulled it off. so, it's probably something simple, just takes time to find the problem. Good luck!
  2. Is that pontoon acting as an icebreaker??? Sitting down in the water, motor down, ready to lead you to open water!!!!! Hope he lets the ice completely melt in that motor before he tries to start it!
  3. The wife and got out about 1:00 to troll and enjoy the beautiful day. We started catching a few around 3:30 and then things got a little nuts! You know your getting old when you can't hold a fish up to have a picture taken 😆
  4. Yeah, I think the banks are going to own a lot of campers, cars, trucks, boats, etc in 3 to 6 months and they will want to unload them. Too many people running out and buying campers, boats then a vehicle to pull them. Put them on 72 to 120 months of "easy" payments. The economy and jobs haven't recovered as fast as they thought it would and they won't be able to make those "easy" payments. The buyers will take it in the shorts and those of us who have been financially conservative during this period will have numerous buying opportunities.
  5. OMG I hope that's not factual, but Beaver and Bull are close to their flood levels and Table Rock is the only lake with room.
  6. PLEASE!! Don't give him any ideals!! 😂
  7. Looks like the lake level is headed up due to all the rain. I hope it doesn't get too high because when everyone was catching two fish per hook, I couldn't get to my boat without using another boat! We are heading down next weekend for an extended stay (along with probably 60,000 of my closest friends😆). The wife and I came two weeks ago to do a little meat fishing and did well, but we lost two crappie to some unemployed otters😡. Hopefully the fishing will still be good, I can reach my boat on the dock, the tackle I've been stockpiling based on everyone reports will still be good and I can find a small piece of quite water to fish! If you see a silver ranger angler out, please stop by! oh, does anyone know when Vernon is going home? I need to know if I need to pack all of our rain gear!! 😂🤣😂 Keep all the reports coming and thanks for all the information!! Just please don't tell me that the fish have changed their minds on what they will bite! I can't afford to buy more tackle, besides I not sure I could fit more into my truck!
  8. WOW!! What a day!! I'm sorry, I musta missed the address and location of that lake in your report!! 😁
  9. I don't think that is what he fell on!!!! 😂
  10. OH MY!!! This should be good!!!!!
  11. Yeah, she listed marijuana as an essential item..... go figure that one out🤔
  12. The title got me! I thought we were going to learn about quarter sticks of TNT or crank phones!! 😲 As usual, nice job and we appreciate the information!!!
  13. Yep, days like that are why I sold the 521 and bought a 1850! TM with spot lock, cruise control and IPilot link, a full windshield that can be sealed off and a little Buddy heater behind the windshield!! Wife doesn't mind fishing when it's cold now..........and neither do I !! Still can't catch fish, but at least we're comfortable!!! 😆 Oh, Nice Fish!!!!👍
  14. I bought a 1850MS last year and took delivery in July. Took about 4 months most of that was waiting for the motor. Idle Time is right about the MAP pricing. Best deal is to look for incentives from Ranger and dealer. dont know about the bottom color. Been told and read that black is best, but certainly couldn't prove it. Mine is black but I'm way up the Kings and don't want to deal with the stain or mud line on a white bottom
  15. Yep, Area 71 or Terry's in old Shell Knob
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