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Bushbeater last won the day on August 9 2019

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About Bushbeater

  • Birthday 07/25/1953

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Camdenton, Mo.
  • Interests
    Fishing, Golf, Boats

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Northern Hog Sucker

Northern Hog Sucker (32/89)



  1. I lost a nice pocket knife on a Courtois gravel bar. My name was engraved on the blade. About 3 years later a friend called, had found my knife.
  2. I've struggled with smallies on that section, although I have caught a few nice LM and Kentuckys. I'm thinking the better fishing is above Lake Niangua.
  3. I use CXX 12 lb. on a few baitcasters. I'm happy with it,
  4. Don't try to disassemble the anti reverse bearing. I comes out as a unit, just rinse with solvent. Soak the other bearings overnight and dry and oil. One drop.
  5. If you have Coleman fuel it works very well. I do lightly oil the anti reverse and have had no issues.
  6. I was fortunate enough to get a trip out from Okracoke, NC a few years back. My son got the rod on about a 300# blue which was landed and released. We also all got a limit of Mahi which we kept. We had a group of 5 and it was about $500 each for the boat, but it's expected to tip the first mate and the fish cleaning guy is union and that costs also. Lifetime memories though.
  7. Welcome. It's Crappie time at LOZ. Go get em.
  8. Had this guy fishing around my area today. He was working shallow areas, and it's dirty water here.
  9. I'll vouch for the wind. We were camped there on our way west many years back. A gust front and storm came thru which damaged our camper and put many tents and sleeping bags up in the trees. Blew so hard the cast iron skillet was 30' away.
  10. In the past at low levels it was best not to use the left side. Your left while backing down.
  11. Interesting article. A long read but worth it. Great photos.
  12. Unrelated but today on I44 a metal 5 gallon bucket flew out of a work truck ahead of me and I hit it square. Cracked the plastic bumper cover, tore out the fender liner and then got stuck under the car emitting a 4th of July spark trail. Drug it about 2 miles to an exit where it finally popped out. Of course the truck that lost it had no back plate, if any. I'll be out at best my $500 deductible. Secure your loads and don't leave loose items in the boat while towing..
  13. It sucks thieves are everywhere. Last time we were in St. Louis area the motel we stayed in had glass all over the parking lot. They said 15 cars had been burglarized the night before. This was a nice area of the Sunset Hills suburb.
  14. Brussell Sprouts are Ez to grow and you can harvest well into winter.
  15. Found a dead Sparrow Hawk in the yard today. I know it's against the rules to possess Hawk feathers but it appears it would make some nice flys.
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