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Fishing Buddy
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About Deadstream

  • Birthday 10/31/1961

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern Michigan / Northwest Missouri
  • Interests
    Fishing, Floating,Spring Turkey hunting

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Deadstream's Achievements

Redear Sunfish

Redear Sunfish (41/89)



  1. They did. They let the sinners walk away. Unharmed.
  2. Makes me wonder how they went home that afternoon and told the wives, kids, sponsors and friends that they were going to be front page news on Monday. CNN led with the story on the net, the videos of the guy just standing there.... was he watching his life go down the stool or what?
  3. Can't hunt them in Michigan. Not sure why as they are everywhere.
  4. Grayling area.
  5. I use mineral feed tubs. Drill 3/8 in holes on side near bottom. Pea gravel or whatever a inch or so above holes. GOOD soil mix about 3" from top. Water when needed. Works fine here in Michigan or my winter home in Missouri. GOOD SOIL MIX. Enjoy.
  6. Is this a printed book or just e-book? Can my Barnes+Noble e reader work or is it just a amazon reader deal?
  7. What about the guy with a bug out gun?
  8. Have a couple friends that made .11 an hour hoeing carrots in Terre Haute Federal Pen for lying to the FBI/Judge.
  9. Surprise him. Give it to church or to ozark anglers to auction off of for CMA, etc. Over the years of reading your posts I cant decide if he is a good son or just waiting for the payoff. If I said something like that to DaddyO it would never be in my gift bag. Happy early Fathers Day all! And Juneteenth. Whatever that is
  10. What do they pay? I have dozens of junk savage,sears, jc penny etc guns that have been parted out. Always buying model 24s.
  11. I wont sell my 9.9 E 1964 model . 2stroke rocker. The motor and boat 12.6 semi V. Fishing with granddad in Canada just before I went in Army, day Elvis died was sad. Beans,taters and fish in the Airstream. Rocky Island Lake.
  12. Jacksons Fly &Tackle.
  13. Bumblebees are fish according to California court. The left coast, bless their twisted brains.
  14. Lamar Lake. The real home town of Harry Truman.. Released some 50+ Blue/white cats in there. Some 30+ lbs flats as well. Used to be full of Bullfrogs. To be young and flexible again. Mayfly hatch is ON here in Michigan.Can't open your mouth unless you want a snack.
  15. Wrench as always knocks one out of the park.
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