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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Yes, whitefish.
  2. I have always had much better luck with walk-the-dog type lures for stripers than whopper ploppers, but that is on Beaver lake.
  3. Man, you guys are harsh. Couple of high school kids, there should be some consequences for sure, the public humiliation of having their names out there might be enough, even though I would add to that a requirement to stand up at the next tourney meeting and apologize to the group.
  4. Those guys have no problem running to somewhere if they think that is where the fish are.
  5. That's a nice one, congrats!
  6. It is stormy here now. Nice change from the 100 degree stuff.
  7. When I was a kid, my grandpa and dad would go over to Reelfoot. They'd come back with a big cooler full of gills, my grandpa never filleted anything, so they'd scale them, cut off the heads and pull out the guts. Then we'd have a fish fry. As a kid I hated picking around the bones. Nowadays I fillet them, gotta be big enough to fillet of course.
  8. The Elites are going to be there in a few weeks, it will be interesting to see how they do.
  9. Once this weather moderates, I want to get some gills. Gills are a bit of a pain to clean, but IMO, they are the best eating fish that swims in TR.
  10. Let's see if I can upload one to the gallery. Nope, failed.
  11. Talked to a buddy that is catching walleye right now on a spoon. You gotta find them of course.
  12. Sheepshead minnow - never heard of them until now, congrats on the catches!
  13. Thanks for the write up, I probably would've blown it off. Glad to hear you got it fixed.
  14. Stop by Wall Drug and get everyone a T-Shirt!
  15. I'll sometimes use an RFJ (rearward facing jig) when I'm searching for fish this time of year. Toss a 1/2 oz jig behind the boat, let it fall to the bottom and slowly kick along with the TM maintaining bottom contact with the jig, while watching the downward screen looking for fish. A slowly trolled jig (whoops should've said dragged), is a very effective fish catcher this time of year.
  16. When the flooding was in the news I was wondering how the Agnew's were doing, good to hear your property made it through OK.
  17. That is pretty neat, the west is a great place to live for an outdoorsman!
  18. I've been getting some from the garden the last couple of weeks. Having BLT's tonight. $2 per lb. is not bad.
  19. Saw this on BBC: I am fortunate enough to be able to fish Chequamegon Bay twice a week, weather permitting, and the enlightened catch & release policies and daily creel limit of allowing only one minimum 22" smallmouth bass to be kept has allowed this vast shallow expanse of Lake Superior to become one of the best trophy smallmouth bass fisheries anywhere on the planet! I highly recommend both Mr. Baron and Mr. Teigen, having recommended several business clients to them in the past and everyone has always been happy and satisfied with their guided trips for giant smallmouth bass on this special fishery.
  20. That's a great LM for this time of year, congrats!
  21. Good deal.
  22. Best wishes on your recovery Mr. McBasser.
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