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3 minutes ago, top_dollar said:

Id take a day in the teens or twenties over a 95+ degree summer day anytime.  Especially if you can coax a few into biting.  

"Those were the days.." , I caught river trout at -17F  when I was young and "tuff enuff" , Bill said "heck they don't know its snowing, they are under water". 95F isn't so bad if you wade in the shade but there are limits in either extreme.


45 -50 of the sun is shinning...When i was young dumb and full of well you know temps never bothered me..but as i have said before the older i get the colder i get...lol...been fighting a cold as it is since Monday night..darn fever keeps coming and going...

I know everything about nothing and know nothing about everything!

Bruce Philips


On Stockton it's around 25 for me. I am accounting for wind, I just wish there was someone to drive me home, It is hard to keep it between the ditches. Heavy clothes and the cold make me want a nap.

Someone needs to come out with some "otter wear". I wish I had their clothes.  They run and swim in these cold temps like it's no big deal !.....I wonder if "otter wear" smells like an otter:blink:

Oh and the heat, it don't bother me, I worked it a large bearing forge for years, then a welder, before that construction. I could hide some groceries back then though. 


Thirty years ago and prior it was pretty much anything goes - including me.

Twenty years ago, 20 and above was OK.

Ten years ago, below 30 was pretty much out but with a few exceptions.

Now that I'm ticklin' 65 years old , I'll still do 30's (with sufficient encouragement) but only if the boat's in a slip so I can easily come back in to warm up whenever I want and, more importantly, I don't have to load the boat and drive anywhere.

I'm with Dan on that driving stuff.  Now, if I had me one of those big 'ol heated drive thru Morton buildings in my backyard to park the boat in when I got home it might be a little bit different.  

But that getting back out in the cold AGAIN and messing with putting everything away has become a present day showstopper for this old boy.  


"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."  George Carlin

"The only money ever wasted is money never spent."  Me.


A few years back I went to Taneycomo to trout fish at the Outlets when it was blowing, spitting snow at below zero.  I went guessing/hoping that there would be few if anyone there and I always wanted to fish the outlets but can't stand the crowds.  I was the only one there for awhile and then a young man (about 20 years of age) showed up.  We had a blast, probably caught more than a hundred fish.  My fingers couldn't work for the cold to rety so the young man did it for me. - really nice guy.

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Several of us from our club usually come to the Rock in January or February to try our luck with deep fishing off of the electronics. I try to draw the line around 20 degrees. A decent snowmobile suit, good boos and head coverings seem to work just fine.


I agree with the others. the older I get the less I like the cold. in my other life I worked lawn care and landscaping which meant I was always outside and loved winter and hated summer.

I always said you can put on layers to stay warm in winter. but can only take off so many layers in summer without causing an uproar.

Now I am 60 and have been sitting behind a desk for 20 years and I can not tolerate cold near as much as I once could.

We have gone to the white river every year in February for almost 30 years and we have fished many times from the boats with temps in the teens. Now days I am happier sitting inside with a fire going, drinking adult beverages and playing cards all day.  


Fished a Central ProAm waaaay back when Ernie had it in the late 80's.  A late February tourney 8° with 12-15 mph wind.  Thankfully on the first day I drew a guy who went about 1 mile from take-off and stayed in that area all day.   Next day? drew a guy who ran from Port of Kimberling to just above the Shell Knob bridge, but the temp was clear up to 12° that a.m. with a high of 19° no windshield and his Gambler something or rather ran 78-79 mph :o and he made sure he didn't let off until we stopped. He was jerking the wheel like a mad man as the front end whipped back and forth like a dogs tail....... IT SUCKED doesn't even begin to describe what I went through on that day. Neither of us had a bite and it was 79 mph everywhere we went including back to weigh-in WITH NO FISH. Almost sold all my tackle after that.  Anything above 20°-25° and very light wind is o.k. with me. I think.


I will trout fish in below freezing temps.  It is tolerable if you're standing in 45-50° water, down in a holler out of the wind. 

Being out in a bassboat on an open lake during below freezing temps is something everyone should do just so you can join into conversations like this.   But that's pretty much the only reason to do it.

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