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fishinwrench last won the day on March 20

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About fishinwrench

  • Birthday 08/18/1963

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    Lake of the Ozarks

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  1. I had to "register" at the post office on my birthday, and was scared to death that I'd get CHOSEN and sent to Iraq🥴 I didn't believe in the reason WHY......and I've been sceptical about the "News" ever since. All the guys in my area that had made it home from Vietnam warned us that the weapons they were given were total pieces of ---- that couldn't be "sighted in", would jam or malfunction all the time, and that the ammo was inconsistent. The only thing that was decent about the gear they had to fight with were the BOOTS.
  2. Yeah that's what he said. I never knew that greyhounds were that mean.....but my buddy, Garry said they were bred specifically for that. They'd run those coyotes down and rip their throat out. A few of the big-wigs from Colgate were even into it. Groups of guys with dog boxes and CB radios were out cruising the roads every evening and weekend. They even had door openers rigged so that they could deploy the hounds without getting out of the truck. 😅
  3. I had a neighbor (now passed) that used to be big into running coyotes with greyhounds out in Ks./Ok/Tx. and that whole "cutting corners" thing was a big issue with the guys that were into that, back in the day. They'd drive the roads and when a coyote was spotted they'd dump the dogs.....and the dogs would run down the coyotes. According to him there was a big supreme court ordeal, years ago, that ruled in their favor making it legal for them to run their dogs around certain lands. Sounds like the same kinda deal 🤷‍♂️
  4. I thought that was already settled years ago by some guys using greyhounds to chase coyotes ?
  5. It's good to hear from ya, John 😊 It's been a long time....TOO LONG ! Let's hook up when the Whites start running 👍
  6. Shortly after ice-out and right before the WIND became an everyday thing I went out to see if I could locate some shallow Crappie on the fly. In case you don't already know this......the first fish to move shallow are always the bigger ones. Only caught 8, but every bite was a nice slab. Tonight was the night to fry those buggers up. Yum ! I wanna get out and catch another mess or two, but this ridiculous wind needs to ease up ! Flyfishing out of a boat IN HEAVY WIND is not my idea of a good time.
  7. I'm pretty sure the last day he fished was with me & the MFU crew, up here chasing White bass. He was a genuine trooper. 🤗
  8. Excellence! 😊 HBD !
  9. It goes over the shift shaft, and simply rests on a detent pressed into the shaft. It's common for it to pull off & drop into the unknown when you remove the lower unit. 🙄 If it's not on there the detent in the shift shaft can get jammed into the reverse lock linkage.....and prevent it from shifting back into neutral.
  10. Here is a pic of the shift shaft.....with the powerhead removed.
  11. Doesn't matter for removal......but it's easier to reinstall when in Fwd.
  12. Behind & below the carb. It flips (snaps) up and pulls out, disconnecting the shift shaft. There's also a stainless 40.00 washer below the reverse-lock cam that will fall off if you don't know what you're doing. If that washer isn't put back in its proper place during re-installation it can lock in forward gear and cause you to crash into something.......So know what you're doing before proceeding!
  13. It's kinda funny......The last time I was on it the number of empty red mesh Stream Team litter bags made up 80% of the visible trash.
  14. The dam only backs up 8-12' of water. Removing it would only alter the river level elevation for less than 3 miles upstream.
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