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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2024 in all areas

  1. dpitt

    Tiger Tail

    Playing around with editing software and put together a tying video. I love this pattern, fish it with sink tip in low to moderate generation. Anybody else throw this?
    6 points
  2. Flysmallie

    What's Cooking?

    Same here. My wife and I will prepare most everything on our own including a smoked turkey and ham. The girls help but one in college and one coming from KC, they don't bring any sides. And the other has a toddler and one in the oven. She ain't no help. The wife's parents don't speak, but they will both bring a dessert that is mostly inedible. The rest are just freeloaders, and bums that can't be bothered to bring anything but will be the first to pack them up some leftovers to go. But I'm really thankful for the son in laws and boyfriend. They keep me in the proper frame of mind and keep me from telling any of the bums what I really think of them! LOL. Always a good time! I love it though. By the time we eat I will be so sick of food I won't even be able to eat. I"ll make room for pecan pie though!
    4 points
  3. I think the person I painted these for called them Missouri craw?
    3 points
  4. ness

    What's Cooking?

    Traditional stuff here. Baby brother will do a roasted turkey. We’ll do a bunch of sides that we’ve done for many years, many in homage to parents and grandparents now gone. The last few years I’ve been doing a cider braised brisket that gets finished on the Weber for the beef eaters among us. Pumpkin and pecan pie are coming. We’re doing an apple cider sangria this year. We’ve hosted Thanksgiving for many, many years. I’m not totally sure on the count. I know we’ve hosted Christmas Eve since 1990 with a few down years due to family drama. At the peak we had around 35 folks, now we’re at around a dozen. We’re still happy to do it and we’re able, but hope someone in the next generation sees the value and grabs the torch some day. Back to Thanksgiving, remember to stop and reflect on the things you have to be thankful for.
    3 points
  5. MOPanfisher

    What's Cooking?

    There will be a group of friends and family bring different things. Intend to get the meat assignment, gonna split, brine and smoke two turkeys this year, wife is making her grandmother's dressing which is a meal in itself.
    2 points
  6. 59 in campell point area today. The missus and i had a couple of nice days in the dirty water. Couple dozen in 3 or 4 hours. All on a ozark craw wart. Mostly halfway back. Mix of all three species, with spots most prevalent. 6 or 7 keeps both days. Isolated wood was a plus.
    2 points
  7. Don't worry, the chickens will learn English soon enough.
    1 point
  8. Don't forget Table Rock Craw. I'm surprised no one has come up with an Arkansas Craw color. 😄
    1 point
  9. Ozark Craw is an RK Crawler color. Missouri Craw is a wiggle wart color.
    1 point
  10. BilletHead

    Tiger Tail

    Great job all the way around Mr. Pitt!
    1 point
  11. As much as I wouldn’t want to be surprised by a mountain lion, I’d still much rather have them, bears, bobcats, coyotes, foxes, all that other good stuff roaming in the woods here in Missouri than have all these woods around and nothing but the occasional deer and people in them as far as anything of any size is concerned. Same reason I don’t like just fishing manicured concrete park ponds when there’s a good chance of catching stuff in real rivers or at least lakes. Might see something cool you just otherwise wouldn’t. As far as this event, it’s a shame they couldn’t just let it do its own thing when it wasn’t bothering them. Hope they get a fat fine out of it at least, but I won’t hold my breath.
    1 point
  12. Daryk Campbell Sr

    Tiger Tail

    I've never used it, but it looks great. Thanks for the video, straight and to the point. I say you did good.
    1 point
  13. Flysmallie

    Tiger Tail

    Great job.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. close to a spring craw z22
    1 point
  16. They are biting right now, key is locating them. When you find them, they'll bite. WT 60-62 today.
    1 point
  17. Drained some out of the 4 wheeler this fall after it sit for a few summer months that looked same way. Don't think a match would lite it. It's a government plan to force us to buy battery powered transportation.
    1 point
  18. Speaking of Mercury EFI's with poor hole-shot issues......
    1 point
  19. stuartsx5

    Boat engine issues

    I just realized I failed to let everyone know what I found. Maybe help someone in the future. It's gonna be a long one. To begin with, I thought I had a fuel delivery problem so I changed out the High Pressure pump. Took it to the lake, ran worse. At this point I took it to a mechanic. He told me it wouldn't throw any codes because I wasn't getting an alarm. I mentioned that I didn't get the tone when I started it so I was curious if the alarm was working. He said some do give you a tone, some don't. He hooked it up to a fuel pressure gauge and said that the cheap pump I bought coupled with a bad fuel pressure regulator was pegging his gauge causing too much fuel in the cylinder. He sent me a link to OEM parts and I paid $800 for the parts and $400 for him to put them in. When he was done he mentioned that it didn't like to get on plane, which had never been an issue. When I picked it up, I put it on the water. It would plow water for almost a hundred yards then get on plane and start cutting out just like before. At this point, I have a friend who is a vehicle mechanic so he came over to see what he could do. We discovered that my fuel pressure was still too high. After some experimentation with fuel lines removed, we deduced that the pressure regulator wasn't getting any fuel. Took the vapor tank apart and discovered that when you put a pump in there and you don't get the outlet seal in right, it blocks the port to the regulator so you have unregulated fuel. Got that put back together correctly, tested that pressure was good and off to the lake. Same issue of cutting out. Brought it home and decided to pump out the gas, clean the tank and put in all new fuel lines. Found a Sta Byl bottle seal and a ball point pin in the tank. All new ethanol free gas, new pickup tube, and new fuel line. Off the the lake with my mechanic buddy, same issue, runs good then starts cutting out. He mentioned that it sounded more like a rev limiter cutting out cylinders than a fuel issue. This led to some research and finding the term guardian mode and what would cause a Merc to go into guardian mode. This is temperature and oil. I knew it wasn't getting hot so I started looking at oil and why I didn't get an alarm. Two issues. Alarm: Sometimes the annunciator goes bad on your alarms in a marine environment. So, I tested the annunciator and sure enough, it was bad. Replaced that and started getting the "All Good" beep on start up. Oil: If the small tank on the side of a Merc engine is not full, the motor will go into guardian mode and will not let you get above 3,000 RPM. I had oil in that tank but it was only half full. I discovered that the small tank on the engine is kept full by crankcase pressure on the storage tank in the bilge. The tank is pressurized by a small amount, under 10 psi. The oil goes through a tube that has a screen on it in that bulk tank. Over time, 2 cycle engine oil can gel on that screen, reducing the flow. Took it apart and sure enough, the oil was gelled on the screen. Cleaned it off, dumped all the oil and refilled the storage tank. Reduced my air compressor to like 5 psi, hooked it up to the storage tank and filled the small tank full. Result: Took the boat to Pomme, ran it 20 mile plus at WOT most of the time. No issues. Engine ran great. So, what I learned. 1) If I ever look at a boat to buy again and it doesn't give the "All Good" beep, I will find out why. I'm not boat mechanic but I would think any outboard with auto mixing on the oil would have an alarm to let you know it is all good. If I had fixed the alarm first, I would have at least known it was an oil issue, not a fuel issue. 2) I don't have the mental fortitude to be a boat flipper or a boat dealer. I like my money too well. 3) Just because a guy hangs a shingle saying he is a boat mechanic, it doesn't make him a boat mechanic. I should have taken it to a proven boat mechanic like Fishinwrench. I was trying to help a guy out. Thanks for the input to try and help me.
    1 point
  20. That is hilarious, or stupid, can't decide on which one.
    1 point
  21. Just about every single mountain lion attack in recent years has been in places with a long thriving lion population where human development is encroaching upon them, disrupting their food supplies and movements. In Missouri it would be just the opposite. I spend a whole lot of time in places where there are definitely mountain lions, and have never once worried about being attacked. I'm pretty sure I've had lions following me and watching me; I've hiked into an area, and coming back out found lion tracks superimposed on my own tracks. In those places, there are also wolves, black bears, and grizzlies. On a scale of relative danger, I'd put wolves last, lions next to last, and black bears a very distant second to grizzlies. I've seen all in the wild and up fairly close, but the most danger I was ever in was with a cow moose when I accidentally got between her and her calf. I think I know a member or two of the family that shot this one. I won't comment on them. But if he shot it between the shoulders and there's a big hole in its chest, it was still facing away from them.
    1 point
  22. The pictures tell you all you need to know; zero respect. Its fools like this that can give hunting a bad name.
    1 point
  23. To be fair, about a fifth to a quarter of the time I go fishing I follow that advice to a T 😆
    1 point
  24. It's a fair criticism. I'll try to do better.
    1 point
  25. Are you kidding? It wasn’t just because. Look at them, they’re Facebook famous!! Absolutely no reason to kill that animal. Just another stupid redneck.
    1 point
  26. That's what I kind of thought. Her posts and pics are not helping the shooter's side of the story at all if he is stating it was self defense.
    1 point
  27. You've been doing real good with your fishing and posts, but consider not laying your fish on gravel if you're releasing them. It's best to keep those guys wet if they're going to swim off.
    1 point
  28. They sure look proud and happy in the pictures. Like posing with their trophy kill.
    1 point
  29. Why do I get this feeling it was just because? Probably because it will be true. Normally when someone around this state takes a mountain lion it is just because and normally their life is not in danger.
    1 point
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